Gravel Pathway Grid System

CORE path is an easy to use path creation system that will enable you to enjoy weed free and low maintenance walkways and paths in your garden or outside spaces for years to come.

The gravel path grid system adopts a honeycomb technology – a tried and tested method for creating a versatile and strong product. When used for creating our hard wearing and flexible stabiliser, it allows for a perfect result time and time again.

A short minute of your time watching our CORE path installation video clip here will reveal to you just how simple both installing and maintaining your new pathway will be using our fantastic CORE path technology.

Weed free for years to come


Although a few weed seeds might be blown into the pathway and sprout, there will be not growth from underneath the grid. Any weed roots are contained within a single cell of the honeycomb mesh making it impossible for the weeds to establish themselves – making it possible to instantly remove the offending weed, root and all.

Ease of installation is obviously a big plus to using our core path product, when you watch our video clip you will see that it takes a matter of seconds to cut it to the desired shape using only a pair of scissors and a Stanley knife.

The grid stabiliser technology gives the path great strength, making it perfectly suitable for all and any wheeled items such as bikes, wheelbarrows and so much more. Gone will be the days when your wheelie bin drags huge furrows into your path making it virtually impossible to pull along or trying to negotiate a traditional gravel path with a child in a pushchair.

Flexible in a variety of ways

Our gravel path stabilisation grids come in a couple of sizes, making it perfect for use on any size job you might be needing it for.

The physical make up of our core path structure is from quality recycled polypropylene as well as new polypropylene, ensuring that we are doing our bit to reuse and recycle plastic efficiently within our business. As mentioned previously, our products inhibit weed growth by using a geo textile membrane underneath the honeycomb plastic. 

Although the CORE path does not need an edging, we would advise using it alongside our CORE edge in order to keep the edges neat and stop any side growth of vegetation and keeping beautiful clean lines to your new pathway. 

Laying our core path is very simple and if you’re putting it down on an uneven surface – simply put down a thin layer of sand to take out any small imperfections in the ground first allowing the core path to lie flat and firm.

A further benefit that should be clearly pointed out is the porous nature of the core path, which allows any water to run away into the ground below reducing any wet areas which is normally found on more traditional pathway creation systems.

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